Why Do I Crossdress?

Why Do I Crossdress

Why, why, why?

I imagine most of us have, sometime during the course our lives, sat down and pondered why we cross dress. Why we have that burning desire, no…, let me rephrase that: why we have that essential, irresistible, unforgiving urge need to now and then don women’s clothes and, for however long we are able, portray ourselves as female.

I guess a simple, yet somewhat flippant, answer would be: Well, I don’t know, I guess I just like to be like a woman now and then. However, if you spend some time contemplating this aspect of your character, you may find that there is more to it than that.

So, furrow your brow, takes a few moments to reflect and think:
Why do we do it?

Clearly, as with almost all T-people, it is something we were born with—so is it to do with whatever happened to us in our mother’s womb? The oft mentioned “Oestrogen wash” for example?

Or was it something in our social development, our upbringing where, say, we were the only male in a household of females? Or did we get cajoled into playing girls parts in school plays at school—and secretly enjoyed it?

Do we have a feminine looking body—in all or part? Maybe long slim legs below a male torso, or slender fingers, nice skin, long eyelashes and/or a girly lips/mouth?

What about our characters? Don’t like the rough and tumble of boys or men’s games, don’t like getting our hands dirty, but rather enjoy more passive activities such as reading, painting, even knitting (many men do!)? Don’t like the typical coarseness of men?

Do we simply admire the textures and feel of women’s clothes compared with the drab, coarse fabrics men usually have to wear; suit and tie, trousers and shirts, compared with skirts and tops, and dresses in silk and lace, nylon and satin, cotton and, oh, so many other fabrics and styles (long, short, mini, tight, flowing, loose…).

Let’s not dwell on shoes and boots and sandals, we’ll be here forever, but just think: high heels, low heels, flat shoes, thigh length boots, calf length boots, ankle boots; and hair adornments, earring, bracelets, rings, necklaces; scarves, shawls, cardigans… in colours sometimes we have never dreamt of.

Or is that we are simply, fundamentally women?

Women hidden inside a male shell; hidden because general society is hypocritical towards people who are just that little bit different. Fearful of something out of the ordinary, fearful of diversity, the majority suppress the minority (as always...).

Do we dress because we are rebels? Dress because women can wear men’s clothes and no-one makes any comments but, put a man in a dress, and the world might as well end?

Do we dress because it is our sanctuary, our shelter from the tough, tough world of being a man; from being the hunter and provider, being the figurehead?

Frankly, whilst I have my own opinions and thoughts about why we do what we do, if I’m truly honest, I’d have to say, despite all of my questions, a resounding: I don’t really know!

Still, this article this might give you something to think about the next time you slip in to a nice pair of panties and bra, breast forms, tights and a dress, and get ready to show the world the real you! Mightn’t it?


  • Adeline

    I may be an outlier here. I dress for many of the same reasons. Early in marriage (early 20s) I wore my wife's panties, and told her because the material felt so good. Fast forward about 35 years, and the desire came back. She wasn't surprised, and was very supportive. She said that I have always had strong feminine characteristics, and do things like sewing (published author), cooking (fantastic soups), etc. She named my feminine persona. We are so connected over this, adding to the connection of more than 43 years of marriage.

    I'm still not out to friends or family (With some exceptions. Both adult daughters know.), but I underdress every day. I am wearing panties and a camisole as I type this, and a shirt/tie/slacks combo. And on the weekends, quite often, I am en femme for the whole time. We went on a week's vacation to the beach, and I was Adeline the whole week.

    But I still do traditionally male stuff. I have a crossbow, a traditional bow, multiple firearms, and a knife and hatchet target lane in the back yard. I love my wife, and enjoy heterosex with her.

    So why cross dress? Because it makes me calmer. One of the persons at work says she can tell when I am wearing man style undergarments. I'm more aggressive, in a job that doesn't need it, and I'm more likely to give solutions rather than have it be a team effort.

    Because it makes me feel more in tune with those around me.

    Because I like the feel of satin on my nether regions, and the feel of lace. I like the hug I am getting from the camisole. The feeling of nylons sliding up a shaved leg is very sensual.

    Because when I am Adeline and I look in the mirror, I can't help but smile. No, not attractive, but happy.

    I guess my question is why don't more men cross dress? Not looking to transition, just to feel the sensuality, the calming, and the joy of presenting as a woman for a while?

    I expect some blow back from this. I know that men have male privilege. I know that Trans persons have a tough row to hoe. I don't envy either group their issues. But there is a joy in putting on a skirt and blouse, adjusting the bra to just the perfect fit, getting the lipstick just right, that I can't keep from doing it.

    Happy life to all of you,


  • Tiphaine

    Hi. I'm Tiphaine.
    I felt the need to dress as a girl from the age of 8 years.
    I started with the clothes of my sisters and my cousins. I felt good that way. Over the years I have continued to do so more and more often. With my first salaries I finally could buy my own clothes (lingerie, short skirt, high heels, makeup products, …). I now had my own feminine style. But I still had to wait to be alone to do it. Once in my own home I had the opportunity to be a woman more often (sometimes for several days in a row). Then come the first outings "en femme". I felt a bit embarrassed and scared of being recognized (Even though I was no longer in the same city. My family never knew anything, they would not understand).
    Then there was the first look of the boys on me, the first approaches. It did not go so badly eventually.
    My skirts shorten, I took a little insurance.
    It's been more than 40 years that I often dress as a woman and I do not regret it. As a woman I am more extroverted, open to others and life. I am more fulfilled. I AM ME.
    Nature played me a trick ride, internally I am a woman in a man's body.
    My only regret: not having been able to give birth. But that's all, I do with it.
    Life is beautiful and I hope to enjoy it for a long time "En Femme".

  • gary

    well krystal here known as gary long a go in mt teens I felt like a woman inside my body want to dress but was scared at times so some where in time I started buying my clothes & then I thoughts of be coming a real woman in life an have all the work done to be a real woman I tell u Iam not a shame of my self to be in public to resturants or where it maybe Iam proud of my self as to who I wanna be in life I also keep up with lates fashion on clothes but now Iam married & the wife hates it hates to see dress better then her an also she wont be part of world so Im open to any subjustions u may have

  • jeff

    I been cross dressing since my teen years but off and on .Now I feel I am 100% crossdress all the time .Now I am trying figure out if I want be a lady full time I hope you can help me make that decision .

  • Natasha

    I have cross dressed since i was about 8 years i have never felt right dressed as a guy awkward almost but when i am dressed in a nice or sexy or beautiful out fit with lingerie under my outer clothes hair and make up done nicely nylons or thy highs garter panties bra shoes u know i am a woman jewellery on i feel normal complete relaxed i feel completely natural i believe i am a woman trapped in a mans body but i am average hight i am slender so i keep my body in shape so i have a natural feminine body structure i love it i am 35 years old now and i spend 85% of everyday dressed as a woman would not change a thing other then maybe breast implants or some hormones to grow my own before implants either way i am woman here me roar i love being a girl

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