Crossdressers Are Very Brave

 Hot  Crossdressing Models in Sexy En Femme Fashions

Crossdressers Are Very Brave

There are many words used to describe the characteristics of crossdressers.

Some words we like and we recognize those characteristics in ourselves. Some we don’t like as much and avoid using when thinking about why we dress in female attire from En Femme.

Positive adjectives and phrases might include examples such as: elegant, well-dressed, attractive, convincing, or feminine. On the other hand, the more negative connotations may mean that crossdressers can be called crazy, irrational, fetishists, abnormal, and so on…

Yet there’s one word that’s very high in my own personal list of words to describe us: brave. Why brave, you might ask? Isn’t that a word associated with some heroic deed or action, with some display of courage or with overcoming challenges that are presented to you?

Yes, precisely. Any man who, among other things, dons female clothing; uses makeup to beautify himself; adorns himself with accessories such as earrings, rings, necklaces, and bracelets; squeezes into a pair of high heeled women’s shoes; puts on a feminine-looking wig; or, in short, is a crossdresser who goes out and about, is just that—very, very brave.

Believe me, it takes real courage to do some of the following when you are planning to go out crossdressed in your new dress from En Femme:

  • Opening the door of your home and venturing into the open air, perhaps heading for your car— your senses tingling and stomach churning, as you keep a careful look out for neighbors, friend, or anyone else who might be around and observing an unknown woman leaving your abode
  • Getting into your car and driving, either to a planned destination or just around and about, enjoying the sensations of being out crossdressed and hoping you won’t have an accident or do a misdemeanor that brings you to the attention of a policeman
  • Getting out of your car and walking crossdressed into a public area, perhaps with legs shaking, arms tingling, and your whole body on high alert for any signs of danger that may be directed your way by another person who simply, without valid reason, takes a dislike to what you are doing
  • Riding public transport amid throngs of other people, some in close proximity, on the subway, bus, or—for those really brave souls—an airplane
  • Walking the gauntlet when out alone heading somewhere, after you have parked your car and are heading to your destination and you see a group comprised of mainly male strangers up ahead; do you turn around and quietly slip back to your car, postponing or cancelling your rendezvous? Or do you act as naturally as you can, body trembling, head whirring, and trying to keep your poise and feminine demeanor as you walk past them?
  • In the cold light of day, if you sit down for a few moments and think of all of the risks attached to some of the aforementioned acts, you may well cause yourself great consternation.

    Not surprising really, as some of the risks for crossdressers—such as being read or recognized by others in your neighborhood or those close to you, or being involved in some incident involving an authority figure—can lead to consequences such as your family and relatives finding out about your crossdressing or your employer or colleagues learning of your regular needs to dress as a woman. If you are caught drunk driving or have a minor crash, you could end up going to the police station—or maybe hospital—for processing while en femme.

    Of course, in defense of your decision to take such risks, when you are all dressed up and have been waiting for this moment for days, weeks, or even months, all thoughts of any risks simply evaporate and almost all crossdressers are living for that euphoric period of their lives when the so-called pink mist descends. At such time, no other thoughts enter the crossdresser’s head except getting out of the door and into public. Nothing else at all matters!

    So don’t tell me crossdressers aren’t brave. It may not seem much to those who don’t crossdress but, believe me, it also takes courage and resilience to put ourselves through what we put ourselves through!

    Yet, even if we could, most of us wouldn’t change our need to crossdress in our En Femme finery for the world.


  • Cassie

    well the first time I went out fully dressed em-femme is far more adventure then I planted , I drove 10 mins in my car to nearby industrial area at night I was to walk around a bit take a few pics then back home but when I'm about to leave suddenly 2 police car raced into parking lot with flashing lights . since I'm the only person and my car is only car in parking lot police man approach me then ask me questions, turns out they are searching for someone who has same car description as mine at the area and the worst part was I forgot my wallet and ID at home so policeman think I'm the suspect they are looking for trying to escape as woman! so I'm in handcuff and taken to holding cell with a phone stand at police station fully dressed with my car towed away ,and If I don't want my family know I'm cder I'll have to wait for 3-5 days to clear my stats but if I wait not letting family know I'll be walking out the station door with $37 found in my car to get home by walking or to bus stop etc. and my car tow fee is 355 plus 75 daily storage fee. the choices is ether have my family know or walk back home Em Femme 10-12 miles in my 5 and half inch heels at busy mid day.

  • Michelle

    @Kathy. I totally, 100% agree. For me, it was courage. Courage to step outside the front door of my home in broad daylight not knowing if any of my neighbors would see me knowing that only a male lived in the house. Courage to go to the mall to buy a certain item, then go window-shopping, then buy something to eat at the food court. A lot of courage.

  • Danielle

    If it wasn't for the bravery of girls around my age group (45 to 55) and older the younger girls today would have it a lot harder than they do ,I'm not saying that they haven't experienced negative events,but as for me I grew up in the sixties and in the south so that was very brave.I thought I was crazy and never a trailblazer I never considered myself as brave I just knew I had to do it because that's who I was and still am.

  • angela

    As a transgender Latina I have experienced most of the situations described in this article. Add to that the rewarding experience in the form of admiring looks, compliments on my appearance, being "mamed" and just actually being honestly mistaken as female. I have run the gauntlet of being transgendered; the high points and the low points. Looking at it all, I summarize that it has been worth it and has made for an interesting life. It has widened my perspective on the human condition in general and living as female specifically. Being perceived and treated as a lady is worth all the effort I have put into my life long pursuit.
    So yes it takes courage, to follow this path. But in addition to gaining a new perspective with every experience going out I have developed what comes from have the courage or being brave; Poise Elegance and Grace……….under pressure.
    So I say, if this is what you want or need, do not hesitate, do not waste a second and just go for it girl.
    Angela Esparza

  • Patty Phose

    I guess if I worried about all the worst case scenarios I would never go out. The first time I went out fully dressed I was 18. I had only worn heels a couple of weeks. It was a long walk from the car to the building. I was worried about being able to walk that distance. Now, a lot of years later, I worry about tripping in my heels and spraining or breaking something.

    Maybe I should be more concerned with some of the other things but I'm not. I pick where I'm going and dress to blend in. I'll wear a coat or over garment if I happen to be wearing a too short dress or skirt so I don't stand out too much. I don't consider myself brave.

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